Naturopathic Medicine is…

  • A set of principles that are fundamentally different from the conventional medical model.  There are so many wonderful articles discussing these principles in detail, I’ll attach a few links below for further reading, but here is the abbreviated version:

    • Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or belief in the wisdom and healing power of nature.

    • Tolle Causum, work to identify and treat the cause of disease, as opposed to  solely addressing symptoms.

    • Primum Non Nocere, first, do no harm.

    • Docere, doctor as teacher.

    • Tolle Totum, treat the whole person.

    • Praevenire, prevention is the best “cure”.

  • A group of tools or “modalities” that Naturopathic Physicians use to treat illness on all levels; body, mind and spirit.  Some of these tools include (this is not an exhaustive list):

    • Exercise and diet counseling

    • Nutritional support

    • Homeopathy

    • Botanical medicine

    • Physical medicine (from Naturopathic manipulations to hydrotherapy to therapeutic ultrasound)

    • Bodywork and Massage

    • Flower Essences

    • Biotherapeutic Drainage (UNDAs, Gemmos, Oligo-elements, etc…)

    • Minor surgery

    • IV therapy

    • Injection therapy (PRP, prolotherapy, neuroprolotherapy, ozone injections, etc…)

  • A method of identifying diseases through clinical investigations, patient history, physical exams, laboratory diagnosis, and imaging.

  • A desire to offer the full spectrum of healthcare choices to patients emphasizing modern scientific research and multiple traditional healing practices.

Resources for further reading: