The weird nose treatment you never knew you needed!
/Everyone (well almost everyone) has heard of using a Neti Pot to treat everything from chronic sinusitis to allergies to migraine headaches, and don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan! But for many, the Neti Pot just doesn’t cut it, or only gets them halfway.
I’m so excited to share this sneaky awesome weird treatment that will help you GET THERE with your chronic headaches, sinus pain, allergies, snoring, mouth breathing, sensory issues…the list is almost ENDLESS!
So many patients’ lives have been radically improved by this treatment. And many have NO IDEA that:
They need it
That this treatment even exists, or
Where to get it….so I’m here to answer all 3 of those questions!
The NASAL SPECIFIC treatment (as it’s known in the Naturopathic and Chiropractic world) is a gentle, minimally invasive manipulation of the tiny bones that make up the bridge of the nose…including the very important SPHENOID bone that sits right behind your schnoz.
What happens during a treatment?
The treatment works using little balloons inserted into the nasal passages and a mechanical pump inflates the balloons for a quick second to help “gap” and create movement in the tiny nasal bone joint spaces. The balloon inflation is performed a total of 6 times (for each of the 3 nasal passages on the left and right sides) which takes a total of 20 minutes or less….IT’S SO EASY!!
So why do we do this?? Because allowing more movement in these small facial/nasal bones is KEY to optimal vital health and wellness not only for your nose, but for your ears, throat, brain…almost everything from the neck up could use this shake-up treatment. But seriously, we need to have a tiny bit of breathing room in this area to allow for new fresh blood, lymphatic fluid, nutrients and oxygen to get to where it needs to go. This treatment also helps drain your sinuses, reduces swelling in the nasal cavity and sometimes can help open up clogged ears…it’s easy and AWESOME!
Who needs this?
Anyone who’s every had a blow to the face should get evaluated and treated right away. A surfboard to the nose, a fall off of a bike, a skateboarding faceplant…come on admit it, you KNOW you’ve been there (no shame, I literally walked into a pole once). These types of blows cause the bones to get stuck in one position, and create stagnation, lasting pain, and ultimately can lead to the inability of these joints to move at all!
Anyone with chronic, unrelenting environmental allergies, sinusitis, headaches triggered by barometric pressure changes, migraine headaches, tension headaches, patients who are “mouth-breathers” or have snoring or sleep apnea, patients who’ve had a concussion or TBI (traumatic brain injury), patients with sensory loss of smell, there are SO many reasons to give this treatment a try.
Okay, I hope I’ve given you enough reasons (and enthusiasm) for this treatment to ask….where can I do this?!?
There are actually lots of practitioners (mostly NDs and Chiropractors) who can do this treatment for you in the Portland area, but you should come see me because I WANT to do this treatment with you and HELP YOU solve your head pain and sinus pain and nose pain! I see patients at Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center both EAST and WESTside locations to make it convenient for YOUR BUSY LIFE!!
You should come see me for 2-4 treatments, you can do them as often as 2-3 days apart or 1-2 weeks apart, whatever works best for your schedule! If you can’t see me (or don’t want to see me…sad face), please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me for recommendations on where else to go…I want you to FEEL BETTER, so whatever I can do to make that happen for you, let me know!
Cheers to your health,
Dr. Lindsay Wilkinson ND, LAc