Update in the treatment of DCIS

Just finishes a VERY interesting interview reviewing the diagnosis and treatment of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) which is essentially “pre-breast cancer”.  Previously, if a patient was given this diagnosis, aggressive anti-cancer therapies had been recommended for every patient; treatments including radiation and surgical removal of a breast “lump” or full mastectomy (breast removal).  Practitioners are now investigating the idea of DCIS treatment de-escalation, which means studying and applying less aggressive therapies.  Although the current treatment success rate is almost 100%, the side effects of these treatments cause significant side effects and reduction in quality of life long-term.  In my opinion, patients who have been given a “watch and wait” approach to DCIS are PERFECT candidates for Naturopathic treatment options.  We can help reduce unnecessary medical interventions like radiation and surgery using targeted nutrient therapies, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and bodywork to improve the body’s own defenses against pre-cancer!  Together, conventional medical models and naturopathic treatment offer the BEST possible option for patients.

Here’s the link!
