Creating Safe Space for Spiritual Opening
/One of the most foundational aspects of creating an opening for healing to happen is creating safe space. This is a “hot topic” in the world of psychology and alternative health and healing, as we culturally become more aware and sensitive to trauma and it’s impact on body mind and spirit.
The Kundalini Mediumship method tends to be more provoking than some other spiritual paths. By “provoking” I mean that we encourage turning into the discomfort that comes up with painful or difficult conversations, and encourage the full experience and expression of our own suffering to identify our wounds and create opportunities for healing and transformation.
In contrast, some healing methods avoid or actively discourage direct communication of those painful wounds, but instead try to create a “safe space” to encourage voluntary sharing over time with or without others hearing/witnessing that pain. For example, some meditation practices are solely founded on continuing to allow the unpleasant thoughts/feelings/sensations to arise and let go, with a detached observation and no engagement in those patterns whatsoever.
Neither of these methods are good, bad, better or worse. They are different and I am grateful that there are so many spiritual paths that provide different doorways to healing and transformation.
However, I do feel that in the Kundalini Mediumship philosophy, it’s important to recognize and have a deep understanding of how to create Safe Space for people to be in contact with their own vulnerability and discomfort. In some ways, this is even more critical than methods that don’t encourage direct confrontation with discomfort, because those methods will never push or provoke. In the Kundalini work, we emphasize direct confrontation and discussion of pain and suffering as our main doorway into healing.
In order to do this work responsibly, I want to bring to conscious awareness the need for comfort, safety and respect in all aspects of this work with ourselves and others.
What I’m learning from other teachers and in other healing methods is that creating safety is individual, although there are some universal aspects and environments that tend to help people feel more at ease and comfortable in moving towards openness and vulnerability.
I would love to open up a discussion for what peoples’ experiences have been either in one-on-one healing sessions, group settings, ceremonies and other places where this may have come up for them. I’m very interested in hearing the positive and negative experiences with creating safe space, and any references or materials/reading that could be helpful for people doing Kundalini Mediumship to be aware of.
For myself, Justin and others actively engaging in Kundalini Mediumship for others (our patients mainly), I know we are constantly working towards seeing our blind spots and improving what we do for the benefit of others and our connection to Spirit. I know that creating Safe Space has been brought up but as I learn more in other areas of my interest/healing, there is a lot of work to be done here. Please do reach out and let us know what you think and feel about your experience with Kundalini Mediumship, be that working individually or in our workshops or small group classes. I’m also very interested your experiences outside of this work, and am happy to engage/talk more for those that are interested in helping us create safer spaces and grow this work.
Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash